What is it like to work as a male stripper? Life as a male stripper in 2020
/Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work as a male stripper?
What does the job of male stripping actually look like in 2020? Has it changed since the old days? What do women want from male strippers? Will I enjoy this job?
These are all really great questions. And as a male stripper myself or over 9 years, I will do my best to answer them, and give you my perspective as to what it’s like to work as a male stripper.
What is it like to work as a male stripper?
Depending on your personality, male stripping is a very rewarding and fun job. You’ll have the opportunity to entertain and make complete strangers smile, this in itself is both fulfilling and satisfying.
Today i’m going to ‘shine the light’ on what it’s like to be a male stripper in 2019.
What a normal male strippers night looks like:
For those male strippers who do private bookings (shows at people party’s in hotels, houses and venues) our nights are full of screaming women, rushing around the city like a mad man, getting changed in our car or women’s bedroom’s at break neck speed and making a shit load of cash.
Allow me to elaborate.
“So if you’re here to make some serious cash, we gotta keep hustling till the night is over!”
For the most part, our work is pre-booked and is on the weekend at night. We mainly service the bachelorette party industry and we are required to perform at our clients desired destination.
For that reason we run on a super tight schedule, with back to back bookings on any given weekend our time management must be immaculate.
A male strippers night is usually very busy. During peak months we can have anywhere from 6-8 bookings per night. Keep in mind come directly to our clients location, so we need to make sure we are on time at each booking, regardless of it’s location.
Myself personally, I’ve had to drive to multiple city’s in 1 night to complete all my strip shows.
Once we are there, and doing our show, it’s a very fulfilling job knowing that you are potentially the highlight of someones bachelorette party.
Seeing the enjoyment is everyones faces, gives you a powerful feeling. You have the ability to completely changes someones mood and give them an experience they will never forget till they die. That, my friends, is truly special.
However don’t expect to be sitting around, drinking and eating food with hot women all night long (i mean… you can, but we want to make money, am i right?).
So if you’re here to make some serious cash, we gotta keep hustling till the night is over!
If you want to learn how to make money and profit as a male stripper, check out this article here: https://malestripperacademy.com/how-to-make-tips-as-a-male-stripper/
That means, packing your costume up quickly, and back on the road to your next job without hesitation!
Male strippers are always on the road, travelling from one job to the next!
The male stripper life style:
Many people think male strippers are in a constant party that never ends - Lot’s of cash, beautiful women, fast cars and playboy style party’s. Well, thats just not true. If that were the case, we would have terrible looking bodies and be out of work!
Having a good, healthy body means taking care of it.
So for that reason, male strippers spend lot’s of time eating healthy, exercising, tanning and working our day jobs (yes i said day jobs).
We work day jobs not because we are paid poorly (we get paid well), but because you would be silly to not do something with your time during the week.
To get an idea of what male strippers lives are like, check out this interview i did with a fellow male stripper: https://goldcoastmalestripper.com/news/2017/11/22/interview-with-a-male-stripper-series-2
Considering male strippers generally only work at night on the weekends, it just makes sense to work a second job and develop extra skills + make more money.
I do personally know male strippers who don’t have any other job (and live off their stripping money) however they also seem to be bored during the week.
So our lives are probably not that much different from the average person. Only difference is we just see and do extraordinary things on the weekends (and get paid to have fun!).
I should mention that male strippers who work with a touring revue show such as ‘Thunder From Down Under’ or ‘Chippendales’ live very different lives to private booking male strippers.
In the above examples, those male strippers will be travelling all over the world performing in different countries and living in hotel rooms with all the other crew members.
This lifestyle is much more fast pace, exciting and adventurous, however they don’t get any stability to their lifestyle as they are always on the road, making health and fitness a difficult priority.
The camaraderie and friendships you develop in a male revue show is an amazing thing!
Is male stripping the right choice for you?
This industry is best suited to those who can tick the following criteria:
Loves to exercise and stay heathy.
Not afraid to step on stage.
Has the ability to learn simple choreography.
Willing to give up socialising/drinking on weekends, to make money dancing instead.
Great time management skills.
Not afraid to talk to women.
Is confident in their own body.
If you can say “YES” to all the above, then congratulations, you’re already halfway to becoming a male stripper!
Everything else about male stripping can be taught, from the dance moves to creating your own routine.
The complete male striping 101 guide can be purchased at: Male Stripper Academy, in the form of an online course with video tutorials.
If the thought of stepping on stage or dancing in some random women’s living room excites you and scares the shit out of you at the same time, then thats a good thing!
Don’t let those initial nerves scare you away. Everybody was crapping themselves their first time, it’s natural. It just means you care about your performance, and that along will get you far.
You must also consider the impact this job will have on your social life. Working weekends at night or being away form home on tour will effect those who already has pre-existing commitments in their life.
And please also consider the opinions of your spouse and family. Use your common sense when making a decision, do what you believe is right.
Society still has a distorted perception of what male strippers do (i.e prostitution, drug dealing etc), but make no mistake, we are just professional entertainers. Nothing more. We specialise in making women feel sexy, powerful, loved and most importantly we make people SMILE!
If your colleagues can’t (or won’t) recognise that, then you need to seriously evaluate who you consider in your friendship circle, because this industry has changed people’s lives including my own.
It took a lot of courage, but the moment I stopped caring about others opinion’s, I experienced things most men will never experience in a lifetime, and nobody can take that from me.
More interesting reading:
How to become a male stripper: https://goldcoastmalestripper.com/news/2017/1/31/how-to-become-a-male-stripper
What Makes a Good Male Stripper? : https://goldcoastmalestripper.com/news/what-makes-a-good-male-stripper
Male Stripping Vs Female Stipping: https://goldcoastmalestripper.com/news/male-stripping-vs-female-stripping-whats-the-difference
—————————- About the author ———————————-
Tommy ‘Gun’ Harvey is an internationally recognised male stripper, with over 9 years experience in the industry.
His work has taken him all over the world, performing in front of thousands of screaming women at international expo’s to working in some of the most prestigious male strip clubs in the USA.
His videos of male stripping have gone viral and been viewed by million’s of people worldwide.
Tommy now resided in Gold Coast, Australia, where he owns a male stripping agency that services all of Australia with adult entertainment.